Friday, March 11, 2016

When others make you feel down and depressed.

The past few days the sun has been shining and the water has been running. My father always said, just as the picture above. "When the snowbanks are looking dirty you know that spring is near."

Today's lack of sunshine adding the dullness floating in the air this time of year can leave the normal uplifted spirited person feeling, well, down. When I look back on the emotional week I have had, waking with being back to cooler temperatures, it is no wonder I feel so down today. It does make sense.

This is the time we do feel depressed from the long cold winter months, spring weather showing up and disappearing, as we long for warmer weather and the sun bright in the sky.  

As I sit and ponder the events over the past week.  I ask myself;"Why do I let someone else's actions towards me due to their own insecurity, affect me?  

I feel and see they are only feeling, loss of control of their life. Then lashing out at me as I am the closest and easiest outlet for their frustration.  Trying to grab at straws to regain control.  Control, over something they can not control, as they can only control their own actions and not of others around them.  But leaving me asking myself; "Why do I let it affect my own enjoyment of my life? It really is not me that they are upset and mad at." 

Because I feel, that I try and treat others as best as I know how to with what I know. I try and not take my frustrations out on others and internally figure out how I can deal with what has been done to me. Yes, I may talk to a trusting friend and try and figure out what has caused such events.  But to put blame on another? Not! I am thinking it all comes down to we are all at different places in life. Many are still learning while they are only our past lessons of our own life.  

"When you know better you do better".  

We all just need to believe in ourselves and know that there are better days ahead. We must forgive and trust the process and know that they too are on their own journey.  Forgive and move on.  Knowing others sometimes hurt others only to make themselves feel better.  They are only wanting someone else to also feel their pain and frustration they are experiencing. Not even realizing they are only causing more hurt and pain to others and themselves.

As I write, I recall the teachings of Lisa A Romano. Thinking how she has opened my mind to see things in a different way as to what I grew up with. 

At first, I blamed myself. Now I see that Lisas' words in her videoes' have stopped me of my old thinking and opened my heart and mind even wider. Her words are often spoken. " It is not your fault dear one. It is not you, dear one, it is is your programming".

I feel much relief and a calmness over me now.  Hoping one day this person will find their own peace awaking a new knowledge that will give them peace too. the knowledge that they can not control others but only themselves.

Sometimes we look at our life and know all the things we dislike about it, but never really focusing on the things we want in our lives. 

I have learned when others make you feel down and depressed, it is not you.  It is a reflection of how they see themselves and do not know how to deal with it themselves. What opened the door to me seeing things with way was Lisas' first book she wrote. The Road Back to Me.  You can get it on Amazon or in Itunes on audio. 

Please let me know down bellow how you calm yourself when you are feeling down about how others have miss treated you. I would love to hear from you.

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