Saturday, August 8, 2015

Remembering summer living as a child in the Almaguin Highlands area ofOntario

As I sit here on my porch overlooking my view, I must say I am loving the sounds of summer in August! The birds, the frogs, the fire-fliescrickets and best of all, until dusk ......... NO FLIES!
My Front Lawn!
Photo by; MS and Living Life -Sherry

As pleasant images flash through through my visions in my mind, I smile, feeling a lump in my throat.  Knowing now,  how my parents gave us a gift that can never be bought, nor forgotten. Reminiscing some of my best childhood memories of growing up living on the Forest Lake River, in the Almaguin Highlands area of Northern Ontario.

Photo taken by; Josh & Carrie Gilson-Arra
Photo by; Josh & Carrie Gilson-Arra Sunset on the Forest Lake River, Ontario.
We moved in the country, when I turned 5. Although  we lived about a 10 minute drive from town.  I remember,  my brother and I complained that our friends lived to far away. When I got older, it was an hour plus bicycle ride over hills and around corners. and often once I got to town, I turned around and headed back home! It was just a long enough bike ride that our friends thought it was too long of a ride to head out to visit us.  Looking back now, I know ..... it was a good thing living a good distance from town.  

So needless to say, it became a time in my life, my brother was my best friend..... for he was not only my bud, but teacher and mentor, I looked up to in many ways. He thought me so many things; from spearing pollywogs with his bow, hook my own worm, how to catch fish, when I tripped and fell, to pick myself up and keep going..... respect others, protecting not only those who couldn't protect themselves but most of all, to love, protect and defend myself. He was always there for me then, when I needed him.  Sometimes, maybe I was a little too aggressive, but I learned how to show others, where my boundaries where. Now looking back, to me that was a good thing!

Photo by; Jessica LaPorte
Lilly-Pads on the Forest Lake River, Ontario.
Although it was a time my brother and I where close, I often spent time to myself.   Learned there where people out there that could hurt you in many ways....But that was okay!  I learned a lot about myself; what I liked, what I could do and thought of a life I may have when I grew older, as we all do. But, this was a time in my life,  I really started to enjoy the country life and all that it offered. I began to like myself and most important of all..... I, felt safe. 

Canoeing the Forest Lake River, Ontario
Canoeing the River
Photo by; MS and Living Life -Sherry
Yes, this was a time in my life, it was all about planning out; my next canoe adventure through the lili pads, seeing beavers, calling loons up to our dock, wondering how close I could get them to me before they realized I wasn't their mate.( I mean of me, eh?) *Smirking* .  

Sunsets of Forest Lake River, Ontario where I grew up!
Photo by: Sherry MS and Living Life
Sunset of the Forest Lake River, Ontario. The island. 
Oh, I can't resist not to mention that often, I tried beating my record of how many times I could swim around the island I front of our house. I was a strong swimmer at this time and often believed I would become a lifeguard!  (But thats another story for another time.) I had my own competitions of how many frogs I could catch from the canoe in the Lilly Pads and then let them go. I even remember teaching some of our southern friends/visitors, how to catch frogs at night along the river-side and causeway, then having a frog leg fry.  At that time, they tasted like chicken to me, now not so much!

Oh boy how our property and the river itself,  really gifted our family with great memories and of course the best sunsets ever!

I now know why my parents moved from down south to raise a family in Northern Ontario!

Beautiful Sunset from where I grew up on the Forest Lake River, Ontario
Photo by: Sherry MS and Living Life
Sun Set of the Forest Lake River.

What was your best memories of August and this time of year, when you where younger?  I would love to hear about them by email or in the comments bellow.

Remember, enjoy life and .... "It's never too late.....

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